Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Leftist hooligans storm Aliyah event in Paris, March 12, 2023.

A group of protesters against Israel’s judicial reform on Sunday stormed an Aliyah event with Absorption Minister Ofir Sofer (Religious Zionism). They screamed “Busha” (shame in Hebrew), and were met by “You should be ashamed” calls from the people who came to find out about making Aliyah.

Sofer’s office issued a statement saying: “Several left-wing Israeli activists tried to interrupt the speech of Minister of Aliyah and Absorption Ofir Sofer who is on a mission in France to encourage Aliyah. The crowd responded with cheers for the minister and sang Hatikvah.


Minister Sofer said: “The Jewish community in France supports and loves the State of Israel, and we love it.”

The tweet below was posted by Hani Zubida from Reichman University. He gloated above the video: “The minister of absorption from the racist Zionist party in a warm welcome made-in-France against the coup d’état of which he is a part. Everywhere, at every event in the world, this will be their welcome!”

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