Photo Credit: Wikipedia / Kimmeleshkolot
Babi Yar Heritage and Jewish Community Center in Kiev, Ukraine on Feb. 20, 2012

March 1, 2022

21:58 Canada Closes Ports, Territorial Waters to Russian Ships
Canada announced Tuesday that it has closed its ports and its territorial waters to all Russian vessels. The new ban comes as part of the package of sanctions announced by Canada in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that Canada will supply anti-tank weapons and upgraded ammunition to Ukraine to support its fight against a Russian invasion, and it will ban imports of Russian crude oil.

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly announced Tuesday that her nation will petition the International Criminal Court to investigate alleged Russian war crimes and crimes against humanity during its invasion, according to a report by CBC.

21:13 Yad Vashem Condemns Russian Attacks on Ukraine, Babi Yar
Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum and Center roundly condemned Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, and in particular its missile fire Tuesday on the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial site.

“As we view images emerging from Ukraine showing innocent civilians fleeing from their endangered homes and pictures of the deadly Russian attack on the vicinity of the Babi Yar Holocaust memorial site, Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, voices its vehement condemnation,” the center said in a statement.

“We call on the international community to take concerted measures to safeguard civilian lives as well as these historical sites because of their irreplaceable value for research, education and commemoration of the Holocaust. Rather than being subjected to blatant violence, sacred sites like Babi Yar must be protected.

“Of course, the security and wellbeing of civilians must be universally and absolutely respected. We continue to follow with grave concern the outrageous acts of aggression being perpetrated against civilian targets in Ukraine.

Yad Vashem reiterates its call to refrain from abusing and distorting the memory of the Holocaust… History must be remembered accurately, and its moral lessons must be implemented truthfully by all,” the statement said.

21:00 Biden, Zelensky Discuss Aid for Ukraine, Babi Yar
In a phone call that lasted more than half an hour, US President Joe Biden and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky discussed US support for Ukraine “as it defends itself against Russian aggression.”

A readout from the White House said that Biden “underscored the United States’ sustained help for Ukraine, including ongoing deliveries of security assistance, economic support and humanitarian aid.”

The two men also discussed an escalation in Russia’s attacks on the country, including one that damaged a Holocaust memorial site.

“The leaders discussed Russia’s escalation of attacks on sites used by civilians in Ukraine, including today’s bombing near Babyn Yar Holocaust memorial,” the readout said.

20:02 UAE Reaches Out to Russia for Peace
The United Arab Emirates reached out to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday in an attempt to move Moscow towards peace with Ukraine.

Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan also discussed the issue of energy with the Russian leader, according to a report by the UAE state news agency, WAM.

The two leaders agreed on the importance of preserving stability in the global energy market, according to the report, which also said the Abu Dhabi Crown Prince called for a peaceful resolution to the ‘Ukraine crisis’ that guarantees the interests and national security of all parties.

19:50 European Parliament Approves Ukraine Request for Membership
The European Parliament voted Monday to approve Ukraine’s request to join the body as a full member of the European Union.

The vote passed with a huge majority of 637 to 13, with 26 abstentions.

The non-binding resolution also called for tougher sanctions “aimed at strategically weakening the Russian economy and industrial base, in particular the military-industrial complex”.

19:24 Natan Sharansky and Babi Yar Memorial Leaders Slam Attack
[Russian President Vladimir] “Putin seeks to distort and manipulate the Holocaust to justify an illegal invasion of a sovereign democratic country is utterly abhorrent,” Sharansky said. “It is symbolic that he starts attacking Kiev by bombing the site of Babyn Yar, the biggest of Nazi massacres.”

Natan Sharansky, former MK and former chairman of The Jewish Agency, continued his condemnation in a statement signed also by the leadership of the damaged memorial center.

“We at the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, built on Europe’s largest mass grave of the Holocaust, work to preserve historical memory following decades of Soviet suppression of historical truth, so that the evils of the past can never be repeated. We must not allow the truth to, once again, become the victim of war.

“As experts who work with Holocaust research and commemoration, we are deeply outraged that the aggressor country has used genocidal rhetoric to justify its shameful actions. Russia has vulgarly instrumentalized anti-Nazi rhetoric and is trying to take on the role of a fighter against Nazism.

“We remind the Russian leadership that Kiev, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mariupol and other Ukrainian cities were last subjected to massive bombing by Nazi Germany during World War II; now they are burning under the blows of Putin’s army, under the false and outrageous narrative of “denazifying” Ukraine and its people.”

19:12 Zelensky: What is the Point of Saying ‘Never Again’?
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky issued a bitter statement on Tuesday evening following a Russian missile attack on Babi Yar.

“To the world: what is the point of saying ‘never again’ for 80 years, if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site of Babyn Yar? At least 5 killed. History repeating. . .” Zelensky demanded in a tweet.

The Kiev TV Tower is adjacent to the massacre site, and was also hit, immediately knocking a range of channels off the air.

19:07 Israeli MK, Former MK, Condemn Attack on Babi Yar
An Israeli Knesset member and a former lawmaker who became the chairman of The Jewish Agency have both condemned a Russian missile attack that struck the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial site on Monday evening.

Israeli MK Alex Kirshnir slammed the attack, calling it “damage to the heart of the Jewish People, to the memory of the Holocaust. This war is become more and more brutal; we must do everything to stop it.”

Former MK, Jewish Agency chairman and past Soviet refusenik Natan Sharansky, likewise harshly condemned the attack.

“We at the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, built on Europe’s largest mass grave of the Holocaust, work to preserve historical memory following decades of Soviet suppression of historical truth, so that the evils of the past can never be repeated. We must not allow the truth to, once again, become the victim of war,” Sharansky said.

18:58 Russian Missiles Strike Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial
Russian military forces bombed the Babi Yar Holocaust Memorial site on Tuesday, built over the mass grave where 34,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis in 1941, during World War II.

“Russia has launched a missile attack on the territory where the Babyn Yar memorial complex is located,” Ukraine Presidential Office Chairman Andriy Yermak said in a statement.

“These villains are killing Holocaust victims for the second time.”

18:45 Sanctions on Russian, Belarus Ice Skaters
Russian and Belarusian ice skaters have been barred from all international competitions, another of the sanctions against the two nations emerging in the sports world.

“The ISU Council . . . agreed that with immediate effect and until further notice, no skaters belonging to the USI Members in Russia and Belarus shall be invited or allowed to participate in international ice skating competitions,” the organization said in its statement. Included in the ban are short track and speed skating.

Likewise, the International Olympics Committee has recommended that organizers of sports events should “not invite or allow the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in international competitions” in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

FIFA has announced a similar move, banning Russia from the 2022 World Cup.

18:43 More Sanctions Imposed on Russia
The UK announced Tuesday that has added sanctions against Russia’s largest bank, the Sberbank. On Monday, the country imposed financial sanctions on the Central Bank of Russia, Russian National Wealth Fund and its Ministry of Finance.

Russia was locked out of the SWIFT international bank messaging system over the weekend as well.

Britain’s Secretary of State for Transport, MP Grant Shapps tweeted late Monday as well that the UK will not allow any Russian “flagged, registered, owned, controlled, chartered or operated” vessels to enter UK ports.

“The maritime sector is fundamental to international trade, and we must play our part in restricting Russia’s economic interests and holding the Russian government to account,” he wrote. “In these circumstances the Department for Transport does not consider it appropriate for Russian vessels to continue to enter UK ports.”

South Korea has also announced sanctions, saying it has banned transactions with Sberbank, VEB and five other major Russian banks, and “strongly” urged its public and financial institutions to suspend trades on Russia treasury bonds as of Wednesday.

In addition, Google and YouTube announced Tuesday that they will block Russia’s state-owned RT (Russia Today) and Sputnik channels across the 27-member Europe Union. Facebook’s owner Meta took a similar action on Monday.

18:40 Increased Aid for Ukraine from Global Allies
Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced Tuesday his nation will provide Ukraine with $50 million in lethal and non-lethal military aid. “We are talking missiles, ammunition, we are talking supporting them in their defense of their own homeland,” he said.

Norway likewise announced that it plans to send 2,000 M72 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine. The Scandinavian nation joins Finland and Sweden in sending lethal weapons to Kiev.

Internet terminals designed to work with Starlink satellites orbiting Earth, sent to Ukraine by tech mogul Elon Musk, arrived in the country on Tuesday. Musk – who owns SpaceX, Tesla and Boston Dynamics — immediately activated the Starlink high-speed internet service for the country in response to a request by Ukraine’s vice premier.

The UK announced this weekend that it will send £40 million in additional humanitarian aid to Ukraine, aimed at increasing medical supplies and basic necessities for the population, in addition to deploying UK government humanitarian experts to the region to support refugees fleeing the country.

South Korea’s Foreign Ministry announced Tuesday that its government will donate $10 million in humanitarian aid to the Ukraine government and refugees, saying it plans to “actively contribute to resolving the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.”

18:37 Kiev TV Tower Hit by Russian Rocketfire
At least five people were killed in Kiev after Russian forces struck the Kiev television tower and its surrounding area, knocking numerous channels off the air.

Smoke was seen rising in the Babi Yar district. According to Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry, the strike on the TV tower was close to the country’s Holocaust Memorial complex.

Ukraine Interior Ministry adviser Anton Herashchenko accused Russian forces of trying to disrupt the communication signal. City authorities promised to fix the damage and resume broadcasting as soon as possible.

A huge 40-mile-long convoy of Russian tanks and other armored vehicles was seen moving towards the Ukrainian capital earlier in the day.

18:31 Russian Forces Attack Kherson
Russian forces entered the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson on Tuesday, encountering stiff resistance as they attempted to seize control over a key bridge near the city.

The attackers launched rockets on Kherson Airport but failed to capture the strategic target.

Kherson is located near Moscow-controlled Crimea.

18:19 Ukraine-Russia Talks Resume Wednesday
Talks between Ukraine and Russia are slated to resume on Wednesday, according to Russia’s TASS news agency.

The first round of negotiations, held Monday, stretched five hours before negotiating delegations returned to their respective capitals for consultations.

18:06 Diplomats Walk Out as Lavrov Speaks to UNHRC
More than 140 ambassadors and diplomats walked out of a session at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday in Geneva.

The walkout came at the start of a pre-recorded video message by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Russia has a seat on the UNHRC.

17:28 Kharkiv Government Building Bombed
Russia military forces detonated a huge explosion and fireball at around 8 am Tuesday directly in front of the regional administration building in Kharkiv’s Freedom Square.

The area around the building appeared to be flattened following the blast, with a massive crater appearing in the middle of the square. Search and rescue operations in Ukraine’s second largest city immediately began in a desperate attempt to find those trapped under the rubble.

One day earlier, Russian forces shelled residential housing in the city, Kharkiv Mayor Igor Terekhov said. At least nine people were killed in the attack, including five people, all members of one family, who were burned to death in their car.

17:26 Ukraine’s Pres. Zelensky Addresses EU
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky received a standing ovation Tuesday after addressing a gathering of the European Parliament.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the European Parliament from Kiev on March 1, 2022

Speaking via video link from Kiev, Zelensky said that he is glad to have united all the countries of the European Union, but “did not know that it would have such a high price,” adding that it is a personal tragedy for him, “for every Ukrainian, for our country.”

17:21 Belarus Denies Joining Russia’s War
Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has denied reports that his country is joining Russia’s war against Ukraine, according to the Belarus state news agency Belta.

Lukashenko said Belarus has no plans to join Russia’s military operation, and denied allegations by the Ukraine Parliament that Russian troops were launching attacks on Ukraine from Belarus territory.

The Ukraine Parliament also warned that Belarusian troops have entered the war, attacking the northwestern city of Chernihiv.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.