Photo Credit: UNDP Ukraine via Flickr
UNDP medical team in Ukraine, April 4, 2020

Some 1,974 cases of coronavirus were detected in Ukraine as of Thursday morning, with 49 deaths and 763 recoveries, according to the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Interfax reported. 2,403 have died from the coronavirus in Ukraine since the start of the pandemic.

On Wednesday, the Ukrainian government banned the entry of all foreign nationals into its territory for the entire month of September. The ban will apply from August 29, this coming Saturday, until September 28, Yom Kippur. The official reason for the ban is the fear of the rise in the number of coronavirus cases in the country in recent days. But it is clear that the real reason is Ukraine’s fear of tens of the invasion of thousands of Breslov Chassidim around to the graveside of Reb Nachman on Rosh Hashanah (Ukraine Bans All Foreign Nationals from Entering its Territory in September).


The day before, Wednesday, August 26, saw 1,670 cases of Covid-19 per day, on August 25 there were 1,658 infections, on August 24 1,799 new patients, on August 23 1,987 people infected, and the record for the past week has been 2,328 on August 22.

Altogether, there are 112,059 coronavirus patients in Ukraine, of whom 54,217 recovered and 2,403 died. Currently there are 55,439 active cases in Ukraine.

The largest numbers of detected cases over the past day were recorded in Kiyev (220), Kharkiv region (218), Lviv region (203), and Odessa (185).

In Israel, as of Thursday morning, there have been 109,039 verified cases since the outbreak of the pandemic. 428 patients are in severe condition, of whom 124 are on respirators. 877 have died since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Ukraine’s population is 42 million, Israel’s is 9 million.

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