Photo Credit: Wikimedia / Stacey Harris
Belsize Park tube station of the London Underground, Borough of Camden in London

A gang of antisemitic thugs attacks a group of Jewish students from the Hasmonean School earlier this week at the Belsize Park tube station in the London Underground.

The attack on Monday, which began with verbal epithets before progressing to physical violence, was vicious and aimed at a group of about eight seventh graders. At least four attackers were involved.


One Jewish boy had his head smashed against a wall, while another student was pushed onto the side of a train standing in the station.

One mother who requested anonymity told the Jewish News that it wasn’t the first time: her son and others have been targeted with antisemitic verbal abuse by the same gang multiple times.

This time around, the thugs graduated to physical violence.

“They ran ahead of my son and kicked one of his friends to the ground,” the mother told the news outlet.

“They were trying to push another kid towards the tracks. They got him as far the yellow line. I’m not sure how he managed to get away. They threw his kippah onto the tracks.

“My son ran a few steps up to try and get help. They ran after him, he was elbowed in the cheek and he hit his head against the wall. They dislodged a tooth and shouted ‘Get out of the city, Jew!’”

A fourth boy had his payos pulled.

This terrified mother says her family is now mulling the possibility of leaving Britain after this attack.

Antisemitic incidents are not new to Britain, although the incidence of such events has risen dramatically since the Iranian-backed Hamas terror organization launched its war against Israel from Gaza on October 7, 2023.

CST, an NGO that helps British Jews with security and antisemitism, is liaising with the British Transport Police, who confirmed a hate crime investigation was opened. The police added that additional police will be deployed in the area.

“The incident is being investigated as a hate crime. Inquiries are ongoing to identify the offenders, who are believed to be a group of children from another school,” British police told the BBC.

“In refusing to do anything about the regular hate marches, the British police prepared the ground for exactly this kind of attack,” wrote X social media platform user Jonathan Sacerdoti. “I wish this was surprising but it isn’t.”

Anyone with information is being asked to text 61016 or call 0800 40 50 40 with reference 471 of June 24th. To remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers at 8088 555 111.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.