Photo Credit: Radiobrain
Manchester Airport

The Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region on Monday reported:

“We have been made aware that survivors of the October 7 terrorist attack on the Re’im Music Festival were discriminated against by UK Border Force when arriving at Manchester Airport. We have requested that an urgent investigation be commenced and assurances are received to ensure passengers with Israeli passports are able to travel without discrimination.


“Thank you to the team at Manchester Airport, as we are aware they have immediately acknowledged and recognized the severity of the allegations contained within our correspondence. The issue primarily rests with the Home Secretary and we call upon James Cleverly MP and the Home Office to ensure this matter is dealt with as a matter of urgency.”

The JRC posted the letter below, addressed to Andrew Brown, presumably of the Manchester Metro Police. Among other things, the letter suggests that a video of the event in question was attached, but the JRC has not posted such a video on any of its social network outlets. Here’s the complete letter:

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