Photo Credit: United States Mission Geneva
The United Nations Human Rights Council

Saudi Arabia on Monday won widespread praise for its human rights record from 75 out of 96 delegations that took the floor at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, UN Watch reported.

China, that great bastion of democracy, praised Saudi Arabia for “its adoption and implementation of the Saudi Vision 2030,” for its “efforts in the area of economic, social development and poverty elimination” and its “judicial reform and fight against corruption.”


The Palestinian delegation declared: “We believe that Saudi Arabia places great importance on human rights,” adding, “We welcome its efforts in promoting human rights, protecting development and ensuring accountability.”

Venezuela commended Saudi Arabia “for empowering women.”

Pakistan praised Riyadh’s efforts to “empower women and promote gender equality.”

United Arab Emirates was ecstatic about Saudi Arabia’s “mainstreaming human rights.”

Even Yemen, whose population is being bombarded and systematically starved by the Kingdom, applauded Saudi “support provided all levels to the people of Yemen.”

Bahrain hailed Saudi Arabia’s “positive steps to protect human rights.”

Jordan said “the Saudi government has made human rights one of its main priorities.”

Malaysia said Saudi “efforts in advancing women’s rights are commendable.”

Mauritania said “we applaud progress by Saudi Arabia in the fields of women’s rights.”

Eritrea commended “steps taken to ensure equality.”

UN Watch suggested this shameful travesty was a betrayal of jailed Saudi human rights activists like pro-democracy blogger Raif Badawi, who has been wrongfully imprisoned since June 2012. But despite UN Watch’s appeals to Canada, Germany, Britain, Sweden, and France, no one spoke up for Badawi.

To be fair, Israel, too, has partnered with the enablers of the Saudi repressive regime. A few days ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when referring to the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the consulate in Istanbul, stated demurely: “What happened at the consulate was terrible, and it must be dealt with in the proper manner, but at the same time it is very important for the stability of the region and the world that Saudi Arabia remain stable.”

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