Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90
The Egyptian Army has been flooding with sewer water the Gaza smuggling tunnels.
The Egyptian Army flooded the Gaza smuggling tunnels with sewage water. (archive, 2013)

The United Nations has once again demonstrated its support for Gaza’s ruling Hamas terrorist organization.

Late Thursday the UN Human Rights Council slammed Israel’s strategy of flooding the terrorists’ subterranean tunnel network with water from the Mediterranean Sea, complaining the move could have “severe adverse human rights impacts.”


“Israel’s flooding of tunnels with saltwater could have severe adverse human rights impacts, some long term. Goods indispensable to civilian survival could also be at risk, as well as widespread, long-term & severe environmental damage. Civilians must be protected,” the UNHRC wrote in a tweet.

The impact of the terror tunnels on the rights of Israeli civilians, including more than 200 civilians who were taken hostage and dragged into Gaza and through many of those tunnels, apparently seems not to matter to the world body.

Reaction was swift, and sharp.

“Why did you never condemn Hamas for using UN funds and internationally-donated cement to build hundreds of miles of terror tunnels, instead of homes, hospitals and schools,” inquired the UN Watch organization led by international human rights attorney Hillel Neuer.

“Why do you only voice concern that the terror tunnels might be destroyed?”

Neuer added in a separate tweet the observation that “when Egypt did the same thing (flooding Gaza tunnels to stop smuggling, not to stop terrorist massacres and rape), you said absolutely nothing.” In October 2015 — and even earlier — Egypt flooded smuggling tunnels that led from Gaza to the Sinai Peninsula, using sewage water.

Former Israeli Acting Consul General in New York Israel Nitzan likewise had sharp words for the world body, nothing the UNHRC “did not utter a word when Hamas built more than 500km of concrete terror tunnels underneath hospitals, schools & civilian communities.”

International human rights attorney Anne Bayefsky was even more direct: “UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk is more interested in protecting Hamas terror tunnels that the Jews tortured & murdered inside them,” she wrote.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been repeatedly implicated as a collaborator with Hamas in Gaza, also took to social media to condemn “smear campaigns” the agency said were intended to “target Palestinians and those who provide aid to them.”

Numerous terrorist weapons have been found by IDF troops in Gaza packed in UNRWA sacks, and tunnel shafts leading to Hamas terror tunnels have been discovered close to and even inside UNRWA buildings in Gaza.

“Fact-checking is absolutely key if we want accurate information,” UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini said in a video statement posted on the X social media platform.

The irony of his statement apparently escaped him, along with his staff’s complicity with Hamas in Gaza.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.