Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
IDF soldiers together with United Hatzalah volunteers use United Hatzalah's helicopter for emergency medevac from the Gaza border..jpeg

Following a thorough deliberation by Israel’s High Court of Justice, the Health Ministry has been directed to commence a regulatory process aimed at eliminating existing barriers in the field of aerial medical evacuation (Medevac) in Israel. This is a breakthrough that will enable United Hatzalah and Lahak Aviation helicopters to be actively deployed for both routine and emergency operations, ending a nine-month deadlock.

The decision to initiate this regulatory process followed an extensive hearing of the High Court of Justice in response to a joint petition filed by United Hatzalah and Lahak Aviation.


In the course of the hearing, it became clear that the Health Minister unequivocally endorses the utilization of all accessible medevac helicopters, including those operated by United Hatzalah and Lahak Aviation. The Minister underscored the necessity of mobilizing all competent forces to facilitate helicopter evacuations in medical emergencies as needed.

As per the court’s ruling, the Health Ministry is mandated to regulate the medevac field in keeping with the minister’s policy. The court specifically directed the ministry to effectuate this regulatory adjustment within a concise time frame, with the exact duration set to be determined in the forthcoming days.

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