Dr. Jay Wohgelertner, an ear, nose and throat specialist, head and throat surgeon and director of pediatric emergency department at Netanya’s Laniado Medical Center had to act carefully to save his patient, a winged cockroach that became embedded in a woman’s ear.
A woman in her 70s arrived at the hospital complaining about a loud sound and tingling sensation in her ear over the past four days. Wohgelertner, suspecting an insect had crawled into her ear canal inserted a mini-camera and discovered a live cockroach had taken up residence in the woman’s auditory canal.
Due to her sensitivity to anesthetics, the doctor couldn’t simply kill the bug and pull it out.
Instead the good doctor pulled out the live cockroach as its wings beat against her eardrums and it fought against its eviction from its comfortable home.
But in the end, the surgery was a success, and the patient survived.
The hospital told JewishPress.com that the cockroach is alive, well and kicking. The woman is fine too. (Update: Dr. Jay informed us that he subsequently killed the cockroach.)
Dr. Wohgelertner made Aliyah from Canada in 2000.