Photo Credit: Benjamin Netanyahu
PM Netanyahu in hospital. July 23, 2023

PM Benjamin Netanyahu went to the hospital late Saturday night after his subcutaneous Holter heart monitor (cardiac event recorder) returned the results from monitoring his heart. Based on the results, doctors will be implanting a pacemaker tonight. The prime minister had been hospitalized and then released last week after passing out following a trip to the Kinneret. Update: the procedure was successful, and the pacemaker was implanted overnight.

Netanyahu released a video from the Sheba Medical Center in which he says he feels excellent, and he’s listening to his doctors. He added that up until a few minutes ago, he was still working to reach a wide agreement [on the Reasonability clause], but regardless, he said the doctors said he will be released tomorrow afternoon and will be able to go to the Knesset for the vote.


Following a telephone vote by the ministers, Justice Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Yariv Levin will be standing in for Netanyahu while he is under general anesthesia. Sunday’s cabinet meeting will be postponed.

Refuah Sheleimah.

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