Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Moshe Malka.

Shortly after 1 PM on Shabbat afternoon, a 50-year-old man in Bnei Brak collapsed and lost consciousness, prompting immediate notification to emergency services by his relatives.

Moshe Malka, a United Hatzalah volunteer EMT, was at home when his communication device alerted him to the call. Having only recently completed his introductory period as an EMT and just received his medical bag and defibrillator, Malka swiftly jumped into his car and reached the location in under 90 seconds, to be joined shortly thereafter by another EMT.


Upon his arrival, Malka found the patient unresponsive, not breathing, and without a pulse. He promptly informed United Hatzalah Dispatch of the cardiac arrest, requesting additional EMTs and paramedics. While directing the other EMT to attach the defibrillator, Malka initiated CPR. A shock was delivered, and both EMTs continued chest compressions and assisted ventilation. Additional EMTs soon arrived and joined the efforts.

Collectively administering CPR, the team persisted in their attempts to revive the patient. After about ten minutes of resuscitation, the patient regained full consciousness as his pulse and breathing were restored.

An Advanced Life Support Ambulance arrived, and the paramedic assessed the patient, administering necessary medication. The patient was then transported to the hospital for further care.

Malka expressed the profound impact of the experience, stating, “There is no better feeling than this; this is why I decided to become an EMT. I’ve been at CPRs before, but witnessing a man literally come back to life in our hands was an incredibly powerful moment.”

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