ISIS Executes 19 Women and Girls for Refusing ‘Sexual Jihad’

Da’esh (ISIS) murdered 19 women and girls for refusing to participate in “sexual jihad” with terrorists in Mosul.

Iran Standing Firm on Demands at Nuclear Talks

Iran is not budging in nuclear talks on its refusal to allow spot inspections of military sites.

Israeli MKs Accuse Ra’am Party of Terror Links, Demand Probe

A charity associated with the majority Arab party has been accused of being a Hamas front.

Cairo Razing Rafah to Create Gaza Buffer

Egypt has decided to raze the Gaza city of Rafah to the ground – at least, the part that exists on Egypt's side of the border.

Netanyahu ‘Declares War’ on Rock Throwers in Tour of Terror ‘Hot Spots’ Around Jerusalem

PM Binyamin Netanyahu: "We're changing our policy.... this stone was one stone too many. We declare war on stone throwers."

Turkey Blocks Series of Terror Attacks, Seizes 24 Suicide Explosives Belts

Turkish security officials foiled massive terror attacks in a raid that netted suicide bombing belts, detonators and weapons.

Gaza Jihadist: Israel Killed Arafat for not Signing Agreement

Here is the latest jihadist history lesson: Israel killed Yasser Arafat because he refused to sign an agreement at Camp David in 2000. Islamic Jihad...

BREAKING: IDF Soldier Wounded in Shootout with Terrorists During Jenin Arrest Operation

One IDF soldier is seriously wounded after Arab terrorists attacked IDF soldiers in a Jenin arrest operation.

London Mayor Warns Home Secretary Hezbollah ‘Actively Celebrated’ Due to Legal Loophole

Britain has banned only the “military” wing of Hezbollah, but not the so-called “political” wing.

Al Qaeda and ISIS are Israel’s New Northern Neighbors

The bad news is that ISIS and Al Qaeda are on the Syrian Golan. The good news is that every terrorist in Syria is killing each other.

Israel, Like Many Other Western Countries, Has A Homegrown Jihadi Problem

The General Security Services (Shabak) of the State of Israel believes that more Israeli Muslims are preparing to join ISIS.

Brits Exile British-Born Family due to Terror Links

Terrorism ties led UK to strip British family of citizenship

Likud Party Quarrels over Reliance on Arab Party

Senior Likud figure Tsahi Hanegbi openly called to rely on Ra'am.

Protests Lead to Removal of Hamas Incitement from Social Media

Protests from various American Jewish organizations have led to the removal of Hamas incitement from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Simon Wiesenthal Center's Rabbis Marvin...

Will Iraq Become the Next Syria?

Baghdad's new leader faces trouble from his predecessor and a threat from ISIS. Will Iraq become the next Syria?

Egypt Prepares for Battle in Sinai to Free Soldiers

The Muslim Brotherhood government of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is moving tanks and heavy arms towards the northern Sinai towards possible all-out battle with...

Israel’s Condolences to Japan on ISIS Beheading

ISIS terrorist murder of a Japanese citizen is terror against the world, says Israeli PM Netanyahu.

Angry Jew Puts Pork on Terrorist’s Body [video]

Following a terrorist attack near Kiryat Arba, an angry citizen placed a piece of pork on the terrorist's body.

2nd US Rescue Attempt Fails, Al Qaeda Hostage Dead

American photojournalist Luke Somers was killed Friday by his Al Qaeda captors in Yemen.

California Imam Apologizes for Asking Allah to Annihilate All Filthy Jews

'I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused. The last thing that I would do is intentionally hurt anyone, Muslim, Jewish or otherwise. It is not in my heart.'

Turkey’s Erdogan Attacks Netanyahu for ‘Daring’ to Show Up at Paris Unity Rally

Turkey's President Erdogan lashed out at Israel's PM Netanyahu for "daring" to participate in the Paris unity march.

Netanyahu’s Grandfather’s Tombstone Smashed in Mount of Olives Arab Desecration

Arab vandals smashed and burned tombstones, bushes and trees in the ancient Mount of Olives cemetery Tuesday night.

Trump: Restriction Is About Terror and Keeping Country Safe

People with green cards will be able to enter the U.S. but will have to go through "routine re-screening."

Update: Suspected ISIS Suicide Attack Kills 28 in Turkey

A suicide bomber killed at least 28 people and wounded 100 others in an attack on a Turkish cultural center near the Syrian border Monday,...

Islamist Stabs Jew, Punches Rabbi in Marseille, France

An Islamist terrorist attacked a rabbi and a Jewish congregant in Marseilles on Friday.

British PM : Check Schools After Islamist Takeover Plot

Britain's leadership becomes aware of an Islamist plot to take over the nation's school system.

Iran Bombs ISIS in Iraq

The good side of the Islamic State is that radical jihadists are killing each other.

ISIS Fighters in Syria May Be Felled By Lesions (Not Legions)

ISIS fighters in Syria may ultimately be felled by a skin disease likely to be wracking thousands of its ranks.

Hebron Man Arrested, Charged With Supporting ISIS

"The fact that the suspect lived until a short time ago on the outskirts of Jerusalem shows how great the danger is."

Mitzna: Jewish Home ‘Like Hamas’

2001 candidate for Prime Minister lashes out, says Jewish Home party comparable to Islamist party focused on genocide.


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