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Afula Hospital

Parents of Afula Terror Victim, Shuva Malka. June 11, 2018
Gabi Malka, the father of Shuva Malka, the teenage girl from Afula who was stabbed nine times by a terrorist, told Galei Tzahal radio on Wednesday morning that they weren’t aware that the terrorist who tried to murder his daughter was being treated in the same hospital where his daughter is being treated in the ICU.

The terrorist stabbed Shuva nine times on Monday, as she was on her way to her high school matriculation exams. She managed to walk a few meters to a nearby cafe before collapsing from her wounds.


Shuva was brought to HaEmek hospital in very serious condition.

As of Wednesday morning, her condition has improved and she is now listed as moderately to seriously wounded, and stable. She is still in the ICU.

The Arab terrorist from Jenin was shot in the leg and moderately wounded as he was trying to escape from police.

He  has since been moved from HaEmek Hospital in Afula to Poriah hospital in Teveria (Tiberias).

Police said that they had intelligence that someone wanted to harm the wounded terrorist, who admitted to interrogators that he stabbed her to commit a terror attack.

The police also asked the parents of Shuva Malka to not give any interviews, according to Kan News.

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