Photo Credit: Courtesy: Gush Etzion
New Olim in Gush Etzion

Gush Etzion was selected by the Ministry of Absorption as a top 10 destination for new Olim (immigrants) to Israel. In order to help the new immigrants choose a place to live, the ministry published a list of suggested regions in the country on their website (in six languages), based on areas which do the most to help with absorption and integration into Israeli society.

In the last few years, Gush Etzion has received three separate awards recognizing its contributions towards the successful absorption of new immigrants.


The Gush offers new immigrants: Hebrew ulpan classes, special gatherings and events, trips, and events focused on the 60+ community. In addition, each community has an immigration and absorption committee to welcome new residents.

The other areas of the country recognized by the Ministry of Absorption as prime locations for new immigrants include: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Be’er Sheva, Katzrin, Migdal Haemek, Nof Hagalil, and Tiberias (Teveria).

Gush Etzion Regional Council Chairman and Yesha Council Head Shlomo Ne’eman, who is also an immigrant to Israel from Russia – and worked for the Jewish Agency on Aliyah issues, plus is a former advisor to the Minister of Immigration and Absorption said, “Immigration and absorption are important challenges facing Israel – the national home of the Jewish People. We are proud that Gush Etzion was recognized as a top immigration and absorption destination in Israel, representing Judea and Samaria. Thank you to the Aliyah and Absorption division within the Gush Etzion Regional Council who assist in this important endeavor.”

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