Photo Credit: Nati Shohat / Flash 90
Open heart surgery at Wolfson Medical Center.

The Knesset is set to consider new measures to ease the aliyah process for those professionals who are considering a move to Israel.

Likud MK Dan Ilouz submitted the bill to recognize professional licenses based on European Union directives.


The bill has already passed the ministerial committee for legislation.

Under the measure, new immigrant professionals would be allowed to work in the medical field automatically in accordance with European Union regulations.

The automatic recognition mechanism has been operating successfully in Europe for over a decade and brought with it economic and social benefits, Illouz pointed out in a statement.

The current EU guidelines encompass 28 countries that are home to about 500 million people.

“Immigrating to the State of Israel is a Zionist value of the highest order, and the State of Israel must ensure a comfortable and gentle reception for every Jew who chooses to immigrate to the land of his ancestors,” Illouz said.

One of the main barriers to immigration and absorption is the process of recognizing the professional licenses of immigrants and returning residents.

“Many immigrants who arrive in Israel do not enjoy a successful absorption and return to their countries of origin after having given up on getting their licenses recognized, including some veteran professionals,” the lawmaker said. “This is in addition to many Jews who choose in advance not to immigrate to Israel for fear that their licenses will not be recognized.

“As an oleh (immigrant) myself, I see deep importance in settling this matter and I am hopeful that this change will make it easier for immigrants in the process of their absorption in Israel,” Illouz added.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.