Photo Credit: IDF
Shayetet 13 fighters.

Twin brothers Ari and Ron who were in a group of 48 Olim from North America who landed at Ben Gurion Airport on an El Al Airlines flight last week, are planning to enlist in the IDF Navy’s special force (Shayetet 13). They will be supported throughout their service by the FIDF – Nefesh B’Nefesh Lone Soldiers program.

The Olim arrived in Israel with the help of Nefesh B’Nefesh, which is marking its 20th anniversary this summer, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, The Jewish Agency for Israel, and KKL-JNF.


Ari and Ron were born in New York to Israeli parents and recently graduated high school. Ari is a professional swimmer, ranked 10th in the US in butterfly swimming, and broke a world record in the CrossFit Murph workout. Ron was part of a rowing team ranked in the top 10 teams in New York.

“We grew up in a very Zionist home and despite the geographical distance we were instilled with a deep love for the country and Jewish homeland,” said the twins. “We also have a sister who is currently studying medicine in Israel. Both of our parents served in the army. Our father was a soldier and an officer in one of the IDF’s commando units, but he shared with us that his original dream was to enlist in Shayetet 13. We decided that the Navy is where we wanted to enlist, and hope to qualify for Shayetet 13.”

Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, co-founder and executive director of Nefesh B’Nefesh, said: “These two brothers are truly inspiring, and I am sure that they will go far during their required military service to become assets to Israel’s security. Our program is geared to care for all the IDF lone soldiers, including these special brothers, throughout their mandatory military service and beyond.”

CEO of FIDF Steven Weil said: “We are inspired by the dedication of Ari and Ron and are so proud of them for contributing some of the best years of their lives to defend the Jewish State. FIDF will support them, as we do all Lone Soldiers, throughout every step of their service.”

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