Photo Credit: Magen David Adom
MDA EMT Yarin Hayat with new mother Maayan Greenberg and her baby boy, August 8, 2022.

On Sunday, at the height of Operation Breaking Dawn, Maayan Greenberg, 32, went into labor in her home in the southern coastal city of Ashkelon. Surrounded by explosions and sirens, she dialed 101 and was connected to Magen David Adom EMT Yarin Hayat, but while an ambulance was dispatched and was on its way, it became clear the birth was imminent.

With Maayan’s friend, Esther, at her side, Yarin guided the two women through the birth over the telephone, so that by the time the ambulance had arrived it evacuated both mother and baby to Barzilai University Medical Center.


The next day, Yarin came to the hospital to meet Maayan and her baby boy. “I was so excited to meet Maayan and the baby,” she said. “Amid the tension and worry that accompanied the last few days, receiving a call about a birth brought me comfort and joy.”

The new mother Maayan added: “I am so grateful to have reached a medical professional within seconds. I don’t know what I would have done without Yarin on the other side of the line.”

Throughout the three-day military offensive against the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, MDA teams were on high alert and treated and evacuated 47 patients who were injured by shrapnel, hurt while running to secure shelter, or suffering from severe stress.

“MDA teams worked day and night to help residents around the country during Operation Breaking Dawn,” said Yarin. “Moments of this kind give us the fuel to continue doing everything to save lives.”

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