Photo Credit: Courtesy of Regavim
Bedouin criminals are suspected of desecrating Moshav Nevatim's cemetery, January, 2021.

The Regavim Movement on Thursday filed with Israel Police an official complaint against the desecration by Bedouin hoodlums of the Jewish cemetery at Moshav Nevatim in the northern Negev desert, some 5 miles southeast of Beer Sheva.

Bedouin criminals are suspected of desecrating Moshav Nevatim’s cemetery, January, 2021. / Courtesy of Regavim

The Bedouin youths videotaped themselves vandalizing, smashing, and desecrating gravestones in the moshav’s cemetery, and uploaded the video to Tik-Tok.


Moshav Nevatim also filed a complaint, demanding that the vandals be brought to justice.

In recent weeks, the fence around the moshav’s cemetery was spray-painted with Arabic graffiti, and sections of the fence were torn away.

Moshav Nevatim is surrounded by clusters of illegal Bedouin squatters’ camps, and residents have suffered for many years from crime, vandalism, burglary, and agricultural terrorism.

Bedouin criminals are suspected of desecrating Moshav Nevatim’s cemetery, January, 2021. / Courtesy of Regavim

The moshav itself is surrounded by a fence and even by an anti-tank moat, but the cemetery is located outside the moshav and has been the target of repeated vandalism and desecration of tombstones.

“These horrific images are the result of the ongoing lack of governance of the State of Israel in the Negev,” said Eviatar David, coordinator of the Regavim movement’s southern district. “There’s no nice way to say it, and there’s no way to whitewash the scope of the problem. We will continue to push this story until the criminals are punished.”

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