Photo Credit: Courtesy of Netzah Avraham
Naftali Bennett’s block free at last, July 2, 2022.

Facebook user Netzah Avraham on Sunday posted this image of former-Prime Minister Naftali Bennett block in Ra’anana with the permanent barrier that made their lives a living hell for a year – gone.

Avraham, who lives in neighboring Kfar Sabba (across Rt. 4) added: “In good time, Bennett’s fortress opens!!! Anyone who moves from one end of the street to the other will understand what happened here and the neighbors’ complaints.”


He was right, there were many complaints from Bennett’s neighbors about their loss of access to their homes and parking spots on their block. But he probably did not anticipate the response of 175 participants of the Ra’anana Facebook forum, who attacked him viciously. Here’s the link, if you’d like to join the bar brawl.

Naftali Bennett’s block free at last, July 2, 2022. / Courtesy of Netzah Avraham

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