Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg in a pro-Hamas protest in Malmo demanding Israel be banned from Eurovision (Israel came in 5th)

Planet Earth’s savior Greta Thunberg, 21, diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome, OCD, and selective mutism, is no longer into saving the planet, she now wants to save Hamas. On Saturday, she participated, keffiyeh and all, in the wild protests in Malmo, Sweden, against Israel’s inclusion in the Eurovision Song Contest.


The Telegraph’s Brendan O’Neill was wondering in that context, “Whatever happened to the sin of ‘cultural appropriation?’ Not long ago, the right-on raged against white dudes who wear their hair in dreadlocks and white women who don kominos. ‘Stop stealing other people’s culture!’ they’d yell. Yet now they themselves spend their days in Arab attire…”

“It is outrageous and inexcusable for Eurovision to let Israel participate while committing a genocide in Gaza!” Greta said into countless TV cameras on the streets of Malmo.

By the way, according to Wiki, Malmo (spelled Malmö) was Sweden’s fastest-growing city in 2020 and its population increased by 3,800 inhabitants during 2021. With around 20% of its residents adhering to Islam, the city stands out as one of the most Muslim-populated cities in Sweden and Western Europe.

The natural choice to hold the Eurovision…

The situation for Israeli singer Eden Golan turned extremely hostile during the week of the competition. An angry mob congregated around her hotel, leaving her to face alarming death threats. Conditions were so volatile that she was cautioned against venturing out from her room for her own safety. Organizers provided the singer with round-the-clock security protection throughout her stay. The progressives joined with the antisemites and Hamas supporters to bully a young woman and even threaten her life.

That’s so Hamas.

O’Neill called it “woke privilege,” suggesting that “Because Greta subscribes to chattering-class correct-think on every issue – climate change, transgenderism, Israel – she is granted the freedom to go about her business as she sees fit.”

The Israel Twitter account responded with images of hostages, saying: “Greta Thunberg, Hamas doesn’t use sustainable materials for their rockets which have BUTCHERED innocent Israelis. The victims of the Hamas massacre could have been your friends. Speak up.”

Oh, how mistaken were they and every sane man and woman who believed this obnoxious girl stood for good in the world. On October 20, 2023, less than two weeks after the Hamas massacre, Greta posted a call for a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.”

See Sasha Roytman’s cartoon in response:

Sasha Roytman’s cartoon in response to Greta’s support for Hamas. / Twitter screenshot

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