Photo Credit: Sraya Diamant/Flash90

The global war against good and Israel continues with sanctions by the United Kingdom against seven organizations supposedly involved in building settlements in Judea and Samaria, it was announced on Tuesday.

One of the organizations, Amana, is accused of building illegal settlements and outposts. Amana is one of the larger construction companies in Judea and Samaria.


Other sanctioned organizations include the Od Yosef Chai yeshiva, Hashomer Yo”sh, and Torat Lechima.

Torat Lechima is an organization that presses the IDF to reject foreign ideologies in their strategic thinking, especially those ideologies that push post-modern agendas and reject concepts like victory over the enemy.

The remaining three sanctions are against three young communities in Judea and Samaria: Tirzah Valley Farm Outpost, Meitarim Outpost, and Shuvi Eretz Outpost.

“Today’s measures put strict financial restrictions on those who commit these acts. Measures respond to a continued rise in violence that is devastating Palestinian communities in the West Bank,” the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office wrote in a statement on the government’s website.

“Settler violence often seeks to force Palestinians to leave their homes, and seize their land for the construction of outposts, which are illegal under both international and Israeli law.

“The measures follow an unprecedented rise in settler violence in the West Bank over the last year, with the UN recording over 1,400 attacks by settlers against Palestinian communities since October 2023,” the Foreign Office wrote, adding the measures were taken “as part of wider UK efforts to support a more stable West Bank, which is vital for the peace and security of both Palestinians and Israelis.”

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy said that during one of his visits to the “West Bank” — as Judea and Samaria are referred to by those who don’t seem to realize the region is no longer a part of Jordanian territory — he met with “Palestinians whose communities have suffered horrific violence at the hands of Israeli settlers.”

Lammy did not bother to meet with the Israeli residents of the region who are constantly, violently attacked by their Arab neighbors.

“The inaction of the Israeli government has allowed an environment of impunity to flourish where settler violence has been allowed to increase unchecked. Settlers have shockingly even targeted schools and families with young children,” Lammy said.

“Today’s measures will help bring accountability to those who have supported and perpetrated such heinous abuses of human rights. The Israeli government must crack down on settler violence and stop settler expansion on Palestinian land. As long as violent extremists remain unaccountable, the UK and the international community will continue to act,” he added.

The propaganda campaign perpetrated against Israelis living in Judea and Samaria by their Palestinian Authority Arab neighbors, who then poison the minds of foreign leaders such as Lammy, would otherwise be recognized for the evil fantasy it promotes. But this campaign of blatant, malevolent lies is being conducted against the sole Jewish State in the world, with some seven million Jews.

Britain has a history dating back to the days of the Mandate of preferring the narrative of the region’s Arabs over that of their Israeli neighbors.

Nothing new under the sun.

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