Photo Credit: Flash 90
Magen David Adom (MDA) medical team members seen in a new bus created to evacuate multiple coronavirus patients, in Kiryat Ono, July 16, 2020.

A delegation of senior officials from the Moldovan Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO) is arriving in Israel this week to learn from the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency services.

The delegation is headed by Ion Prisacaru, a senior government official in the Moldovan Health State Secretary, and is accompanied by Tatiana Zatic, acting Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection, and representatives from the Faculties of Medicine, Deputy Director of the National Ambulance Service, Interior Ministry representatives, Deputy Director of the Emergency Department of Moldova, and other executives.


The delegation is in Israel as part of a joint project with the World Health Organization (WHO) to upgrade the emergency medical system and emergency preparedness system in Moldova.

The delegation will visit the Ministry of Health, MDA, including its 101 national hotline and its school for paramedics, to learn the paramedics’ training procedure and the ambulance and intensive care array.

In addition, the delegation will also visit the Rambam Hospital in Haifa and the English hospital in Nazareth, the Meuhedet and Clalit Health Funds, the Sheba Medical Simulation Center, and other health-related stops “to create cooperation between the bodies and to learn about the Israeli emergency medicine system, which is prepared for emergencies, and the conduct of the State of Israel in relation to the Coronavirus.”

Israel is a world leader in emergency response and medicine, with much of its knowledge garnered treating mass terror attacks and wounded IDF soldiers.

Ministry of Health Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash stated Sunday that he “welcomes the cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Health System in Israel and the Ministry of Health in Moldova. We are pleased with the arrival of senior members of the health system in Moldova to Israel, and with the opportunity to show to them our activities in the field of emergency response and the fight against the Coronavirus.”

“I am sure that the senior officials will come out with important insights for implementation in their country,” he added.

MDA Director-General Eli Bin welcomed “the fruitful cooperation between the medical entities of Moldova and Israel.”

“We are proud to share the knowledge and tighten the relationship between the countries. Magen David Adom, as the Israeli Red Cross, is proud to share professional knowledge as well as learn from the members of the delegation,” he added.

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