Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90
MK Itamar Ben Gvir, October 20, 2022.

Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu may not wish to be seen together on the same stage with Otzma Yehudit MK Itamar Ben Gvir (Ben Gvir Removed from Kfar Chabad Celebrations So Netanyahu Won’t Be Seen with Him), but as things are looking for the Likud party in this most recent Panels Politics pre-election poll published by Ma’ariv on Friday, Netanyahu is going to share a group picture of his next government with Ben Gvir – should they be lucky enough to have one.


The survey included 712 respondents, with a 3.7% sampling error.

Without further ado, here are the numbers divided by blocs:

Right-wing bloc:

Likud 31 + Religious Zionism 14 + Shas 8 + United Torah Judaism 7 = 60

Left-wing bloc:

Yesh Atid 23 + National Camp 12 + Israel Beiteinu 7 + labor 5 + Meretz 5 = 52

Arab parties:

Ra’am 4 + Hadah-Ta’al 4 = 8

As to the have-nots: Ayelet Shaked drops from 2.7% in Panels Politics’ previous poll to 1.8%; Balad goes up to 1.4% from 1.1%. Neither party is likely to cross the 3.25% vote threshold on November 1.

However, 48% of Arab respondents said they would certainly come to vote – compared to a meager 40% in the previous poll.

On Thursday night, News13 published Prof. Camil Fuchs’s survey, showing the exact same deadlock (although with 800 respondents and a 3.5% sampling error):

Right-wing bloc:

Likud 32 + Religious Zionism 13 + Shas 8 + United Torah Judaism 7 = 60

Left-wing bloc:

Yesh Atid 26 + National Camp 11 + Israel Beiteinu 5 + labor 5 + Meretz 5 = 52

Arab parties:

Ra’am 4 + Hadah-Ta’al 4 = 8

The have-nots: Shaked at 1.5%, Balad stronger, at 2.5%. Should Balad get even stronger, it could deny either of its two Arab competitors the votes they need to cross the vote threshold – and those votes would be spread around, possibly boosting the right-wing bloc up to 61.

Respondents were asked how they felt about Bezalel Smotrich becoming Defense Minister: 48% were against it, and 25% supported the idea. What about Itamar Ben Gvir as Minister of Internal Security? 50% were against, 32% for.

As I’ve been concluding every one of these reports, folks, make sure Netanyahu has the votes for an honest-to-goodness right-wing government – vote Religious Zionism (ט). But don’t ask me, listen to this gentleman:

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