Defense Minister Naftali Bennett on Monday night tweeted: “I want to share with you the most important thing we’ve learned from the information that flows to us from the field and from all over the world: the deadliest connection is probably between old and young people. By no means – do you get physically close to your grandparents!”
רגע לפני שאני יוצא הביתה אני רוצה לשתף אתכם בדבר הכי חשוב שאנו לומדים מהמידע שזורם אלינו מהשטח ומכל העולם:
ככל הנראה, החיבור הכי קטלני הוא בין זקנים לצעירים.
בשום אופן אל תתקרבו פיזית לסבא ולסבתא!
צפו בהסבר.לילה טוב.
— Naftali Bennett בנט (@naftalibennett)
According to Bennett, while thousands of young Israelis may not show any symptoms despite being carriers of the coronavirus, when they come in contact with the elderly, they infect them. Bennett said that 20% of elderly people who contract the coronavirus die.
According to the center for infectious diseases, the largest number of severe cases and deaths around the world have been recorded in people aged over 70, who already have an underlying disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure or a cardiovascular disease. People aged over 80 face the highest risk.
The number of cases diagnosed in children and young people has been low and their symptoms have been mild. Only approximately 2% of all reported cases have been diagnosed in people aged under 19. The disease has been severe in only a very small proportion of young people.