Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90
Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu after coalition talks in Jerusalem, December 5, 2022.

Incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took it nearly to the last second but managed to meet the deadline to announce he succeeded in forming the next government.

The new coalition will need to be sworn in by Monday, January 2, though it may take place before that date.


Leading the coalition will be Israel’s largest party, the Likud (led by Netanyahu). The party will be joined by Otzma Yehudit, Religious Zionism, Noam, Shas and United Torah Judaism, giving the new government a 64-seat majority in the 120-seat Knesset.

But Netanyahu has yet to officially sign any coalition deals with the other parties – which he must do by December 31.

Here is a basic rundown of who has what in the new government thus far:

MK Yoav Galant, a former IDF Chief of Staff, is slated to become Defense Minister.

Temporary Knesset Speaker Yariv Levin, a Likud member, may not be continuing in that post – instead, he is likely to be succeeded by either MKs Amir Ohana, Ofir Akunis or David Amsalem.

Likud will also control the Foreign Ministry, although it is not yet clear who will become minister.

Otzma Yehudit
Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben Gvir will become Minister of National Security, which will give him authority over the country’s police force.

Ben Gvir will also serve as acting chair of the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs.

Religious Zionism
Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Smotrich will become Finance Minister.

Smotrich is also slated to be given a new ministerial role under the Defense Ministry, overseeing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

Noam leader Avi Maoz, a fervent opponent of the LGBTQ movement, is expected to become Minister of National Jewish Identity in the Education sector.

Shas leader Aryeh Deri is set to become Interior Minister, a position he has held in the past.

Shas will also be given the Health and Religious Services portfolios.

United Torah Judaism
For the first time in the history of the state, a United Torah Judaism (UTJ) Knesset member will serve in the government cabinet as a minister.

UTJ leader Yitzhak Goldknopf is expected to receive the Housing and Jerusalem & Tradition portfolios.

In addition, UTJ will receive deputy minister positions in the Prime Minister’s Office and in the Transportation Ministry.

UTJ will also lead four Knesset committees.

“As we promised the public, we did everything to establish a right-wing government that would restore governance and pride to the people of Israel and support the soldiers and police in their important struggle,” Ben Gvir said in a statement late Wednesday night.

“It is very symbolic that precisely on the Hanukkah holiday, which symbolizes the spreading of light, we are establishing a right-wing government to fulfill our promises for the sake of the voters, for the sake of our fighting soldiers and police officers, and for the sake of all the people of Israel.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.