Photo Credit: Miri Regev / Twitter
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with his wife Sara after she was rescued from a siege by anti-government demonstrators in Tel Aviv

Transportation Secretary Miri Regev, a member of the Likud, slammed Wednesday night’s siege by thousands of leftist demonstrators who trapped the prime minister’s wife, Sara Netanyahu, for hours at a hair salon in Tel Aviv.


Sara Netanyahu had gone to have her hair done while her husband was addressing the nation about the rising anarchy being incited by opposition leaders in the ongoing demonstrations against the government’s judicial reform.

It took hundreds of police forces to safely extract Mrs. Netanyahu from the area, while thousands of screaming demonstrators shouted at her.

“She was the one who calmed me down – I’m shocked, I’ve never experienced anything like this,” said her hairdresser, Moshe.

“I don’t think there is a sane person left in the country who wasn’t shocked by yesterday’s scenes,” Regev said in a tweeted statement.

“A siege on the prime minister’s wife, threats, intimidation and terror on business owners in the areas: this is disgraceful and a reality that cannot be accepted!” she declared.

“Let’s imagine many hundreds of right-wingers, their eyes shining with hatred surrounding [Supreme Court Chief Justice] Esther Hayut as she is held under siege in a hair salon somewhere, celebrating a protest against a legal reform.

“Do I have to continue, or can you imagine the cries of ‘the end of democracy’ and the studios of the propaganda channels?

“I want to strengthen Sara Netanyahu, a strong woman, loved and valued, who is going through a journey of terror, persecution, humiliation, malice and unimaginable cruelty.

“To hear afterwards the report that Sara calmed her hairdresser down further testifies to her strength. Even when in a personal and violent situation facing her, she knew how to rise above, and place concern for another before her eyes.

“The power of one woman against the disgrace of many,” Regev wrote.

“The thugs crossed red lines, violated her privacy and were a step away from physically harming her. I wonder how the headlines would have read, had it been for a leftist female prime minister.

“I call on the police to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

“Shame and disgrace.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.