Dozens of Jerusalem Haredim allegedly hurled rocks on Friday night, after the Sabbath began, at Arab vehicles on Route 1 that bypasses Mea Shearim, according to the Bethlehem-based Ma’an News Agency.

The news agency claimed that the attacks “were racially-motivated assaults targeting Palestinians,” while police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld said there had been no reports of complaints.


It could very well be that Haredim targeted the cars, and the drivers did not complain to the police.

In any case, it is doubtful the stacks were “racially” motivated. First of all, the all of the vehicles bore Israeli license plates, and there was no way to distinguish, especially from a distance at night, if the drivers were Jewish or Arab

Secondly, Haredim don’t care about the religion of a motorist driving by their area on the Sabbath.

One Arab told Ma’an that police arrived but did not interfere, which is also likely since some of the more violent Haredim like throwing rocks at them also, regardless of their religion and even if it is not the Sabbath.

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