Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
An IDF helicopter fired a missile at Arab terrorists in Jenin after eight Israeli soldiers were injured and trapped after their vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb, June 19, 2023.


An IDF helicopter fired a rocket at Arab rioters in the Jenin refugee camp after five Israeli soldiers had been injured when their vehicle drove into an ambush and explosive charges were thrown at them.



All the fighters were rescued, and the wounded were evacuated. The explosives ambush was accompanied by gunfire, which points to an alarming increase in the firepower and fighting capacity of the terrorists in Samaria. The next move on the part of the IDF would have to be a higher-level operation, which is what Hamas in Gaza had been pushing for the past two years.

It is also alarming that Military Intelligence and the Shin Bet were clearly not aware of the rise in terrorist capacity in the Jenin camp.

According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, one Arab was killed and 22 others were injured by the exchange of fire (they blamed only the IDF, naturally). Two are fatally injured and three seriously. According to the ministry, a 15-year-old girl was among the injured. Her neighbors say she was hit by gunfire inside her home.

Our original report this morning:

An exchange of fire broke out Monday morning in the Jenin refugee camp. IDF, Yamas (SWAT), and Border Guard forces arrested two wanted men in Jenin and Burqin in Samaria. There was an exchange of fire and Arabs threw explosives at the forces.

Al-Quds reported that no less than 14 civilians were injured, as the Israeli forces stormed several neighborhoods on the outskirts of Jenin camp. According to the PA Health Ministry, three of the injured are between serious and critical and were transferred to hospitals for treatment.

The special forces stormed the Jabriyat neighborhood and its surroundings near the outskirts of the Jenin camp before they were detected and Israeli military reinforcements arrived in the area, according to al-Quds. The Israeli forces raided several buildings and deployed snipers, amid armed clashes with the locals who used explosive devices against the Israeli vehicles.

Among those arrested on Monday is Hamas terrorist Asim Abu Al-Haija.

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