Photo Credit: Wikimedia commons / Shuki
Joshua's Tomb at Kifl Hares

Israeli forces on Wednesday night arrested five Arabs who attempted to infiltrate into Israel from the southern Gaza Strip. They were transferred to the Shin Bet security service for interrogation.

In related news, Arab terrorists threw rocks at a bus passing near the Arab village of Hizmeh, just north of Jerusalem. The rocks shattered the windshield, and the bus driver was injured by glass that hit his eye.


He was treated by a medical team on site and then was evacuated to a hospital in Jerusalem.

IDF shot rubber bullets at two terrorists throwing firebombs near El-Hadr, along the Gush Etzion-Jerusalem highway. One was hit and they ran away.

Israeli forces carrying out counter-terrorism operation throughout Judea and Samaria on Wednesday night arrested 15 wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities and violent disturbances against civilians and soldiers.

In addition, forces conducting searches for illegal weapons in the Samaria area seized a handgun, a Carlo sub-machine gun, self-manufactured weapons, a rifle and ammunition.

Israeli worshipers entered the tomb of Yehoshua Bin Nun (Joshua) in the village of Kifl Haret, in the Ephraim Regional Brigade. IDF soldiers, the Border Police, the Israel Police and the Civil Administration secured the entry of some 600 worshipers.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.