Photo Credit: IDF Spokesman
IDF soldiers mapping for demolition the home of Bat Sheva Nigri’s murderer, August 22, 2023.

IDF forces, led by the Corps of Engineers, on Tuesday night mapped for demolition the homes of the two terrorists who murdered Bat Sheva Nigri on Route 60 last Monday. Local terrorists threw stones and Molotov cocktails and shot fireworks at the fighters, with no casualties to our forces.


Al-Quds reported that the IDF launched a massive campaign Wednesday at dawn, arresting suspects across Judea and Samaria. The campaign focused on Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, especially the released prisoners among them.

This is the second campaign of mass arrests in as many days.

Al-Quds reported mass arrests in Judea and Samaria, August 23, 2023. . Screenshot

In Jenin, Islamic Jihad leaders Maher al-Akhras and Sadiq Abu al-Khair, both of them residents of al-Sila al-Harithiya, were arrested, and Hamas leaders Islam Abu Aoun, Mamoun Freihat, Najm Fashafsha, and Izz Ghannam, all from Jaba, were also picked up.

In Shechem, the IDF arrested Saeed Bilal, a student at An-Najah University, Amid Hijazi, and a minor named Bilal Shtayyeh.

Sheikh Ammar Manna was arrested in Tulkarem, and Anwar Abdel-Ghani was arrested after he had been injured during clashes. His cousin Ahmed Abdel-Ghani was also arrested.

In Hebron, Abd Arar and Bahaa Al-Sharawneh, as well as a student named Ibrahim Al-Nawaja.

Another minor, Ihsan Al-Rimawi, was arrested in Beit Rima, west of Ramallah.

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