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Efrat Junction, IDF pillbox, near the Gush Etzion junction

Two IDF soldiers and two commanders received awards this week for their part in fighting two separate attacks by Arab terrorists.

The certificates were awarded by the commander of the Etzion Regional Brigade, Brigadier General David Shapiro, and in the presence of the Commander of the Givati Brigade’s Shaked Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel Bar Bashan, and Commander of the Reshef Battalion of the Barak Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Miki Sharvit.


In the first incident, which took place at the Gush Etzion junction, an armed suspect approached the Shaked battalion that was securing the area. The fighters quickly and professionally neutralized the terrorist, according to the IDF, which described the incident on its Hebrew-language military blog.

IDF soldier receives award for successfully fighting terror in Gush Etzion

In the second incident, fighters from the Reshef Battalion spotted a suspicious-looking individual while on routine patrol along the road to the northern Efrat junction. When the soldiers stopped near the individual to question him, the suspect produced a knife, which the troops swiftly removed, and neutralized the threat.

IDF soldier receives award for fighting terror at Gush Etzion junction.

In both cases, had the suspects gone unnoticed, it is certain that each would have ultimately carried out a stabbing terror attack against Jews in the area.

“IDF fighters in the Etzion Brigade sector make every effort to ensure the safety of residents in the area,” said brigade commander Col. David Shapiro at the award ceremony.

“I would like to express great appreciation to the commands and fighters who participated in the two events that thwarted the attempted stabbings. They both ended in the best way possible thanks to the alertness of the fighters and their commanders on the ground.

“This is exactly what we expected from our fighters, to pay attention to what’s around them and to act accordingly. Thanks to this acuity we prevent hostile terrorist events every day.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.