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An IDF bulldozer ramming through a street in Tulkarem, July 24, 2023

The IDF on Monday at dawn launched a massive raid in Nour Shams camp outside Tulkarem, an Arab city in Samaria, west of Netanya. According to al-Quds, the forces raided many homes and wreaked great damage.


Two young Arabs were wounded and are in stable condition. At least two young men were arrested and dragged out of their homes, including Moamen Qaraawi, the son of Hamas leader Fathi Qaraawi.

“The occupation forces deliberately sabotaged and bulldozed the infrastructure in some streets in the camp, the same way they carried out their operation in the Jenin camp a few weeks ago,” al-Quds reported. “They also demolished the walls of houses, and deliberately sabotaged vehicles, breaking some of them.”

Arab terrorists confronted the IDF forces, clashed with them, and detonated explosive devices with their vehicles, amidst violent explosions, al-Quds reported.

The IDF Spokesperson just reported: “IDF fighters, the Shin Bet, and the Border Police arrested nine wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria tonight. The fighters arrested six wanted persons in the villages of Nelin, Dora al Qara, the refugee camp Dahisha and the city of Tulkarem.

During the activity of the forces in Kfar Azon, suspects threw stones, explosives, and Molotov cocktails at the forces, who responded with measures to disperse the demonstrations.

The forces arrested three more wanted men in the villages of Bidou and Doha. During the activity in the village of Bidou, suspects threw stones at the fighters, who responded with measures to disperse demonstrations. In addition, the forces located and confiscated a gun, improvised explosive devices, and means of making explosives.

In an activity in the village of Doha, suspects threw stones at the fighters, who responded by shooting and using measures to disperse demonstrations.

During the operation of the forces in the city of Hebron, the forces located and confiscated an airsoft gun, Molotov cocktails, and military equipment.

The wanted persons who were arrested and the means of warfare that were confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further treatment, there are no casualties to our forces.

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