Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech, November 10, 2022.

MK Limor Son Har-Melech (Otzma Yehudit) on Tuesday cited an attorney for one of the ten reservists who were arrested in military police masked raid on the Sde Teiman detention facility, regarding the anal injuries that were suffered by the terrorist who filed a complaint against the soldiers.

According to her, the terrorist, a company commander for Hamas who participated in the October 7 atrocities and has a lot of Jewish blood on his hands and other parts, was caught with a smuggled phone in his rectal tract. The injuries he endured were the result of the soldiers trying to dislodge the contraband device while the prisoner was biting and kicking them.


“That terrorist took the phone and hid it in the place where he claims he was injured, and the device had to be removed – but we are told that this is an act of sodomy and rape,” said the MK, adding, “It was about something completely different, but the military prosecutor repeatedly accepts the terrorists’ versions.”

Meanwhile, the Chief Prosecutor at the Military Prosecutor’s Office admitted on Tuesday at a Foreign Affairs and Security Committee hearing on the issue of the detention of the fighters in Sde Teiman that the Prosecutor’s Office did initiate phone calls to the terrorists who were released to Gaza in order to find out about the conditions of their detention in prison, reports our reporter Motti Castel (Smotrich: IDF Police Interview Released Nukhba Terrorists in Gaza on their Prison Conditions).

The chief prosecutor confirmed that IDF investigators initiated calls to the Nukhaba terrorists who had been released from Sde Teiman to Gaza and asked them about the conditions of their detention.

MK Meir Cohen (Yesh Atid) flipped, exclaiming: “I’m in shock. I was interviewed about this in the morning and I said there’s no way they would do such a thing (Do a Yelp review with Nukhba terrorists – DI).”

IDF Military Prosecutor Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi. / Flash90

The chief military attorney, Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi, did not appear at the Knesset Foreign and Security Committee hearing despite being summoned. Committee Chairman Yuli Edelstein (Likud) said: “Unfortunately, the chief military attorney chose or was instructed not to come to the committee. I am announcing now that we will hold another discussion in which she will be required to appear before the committee and provide appropriate answers regarding the investigation policy.”

Akiva Bigman wrote in Mida on Monday: “Since assuming the position of Chief Military Prosecutor, Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi has not missed an opportunity to lead the politicization, polarization, and radicalization of the system she heads. Under her leadership, the military prosecutor’s office became a branch of The Hague ICC, a hostile body working to introduce foreign interests into the army and damage its fighting spirit.”

Bigman argues that the system Tomer Yerushalmi heads is not meant to serve the combatants, act together with them, and protect them from hostile procedures, but on the contrary: it is the hostile procedure itself. The prosecutor’s office is hostile to the fighters and sees them as dangerous people against whom it must act decisively to restrain them lest they commit crimes.

Last February, she issued a warning letter that was sent publicly, addressed to IDF commanders and soldiers, warning against committing war crimes:

“We have also come across improper cases of conduct that deviate from the IDF’s values ​​and orders. This includes inappropriate statements, which encourage improper phenomena; operationally unjustified use of force, including against detainees; looting, which includes the use or removal of private property for no operational purpose; and destruction of civilians’ property contrary to orders. Some incidents go beyond the disciplinary sphere, and cross the criminal threshold.”

Israel’s vicious enemies didn’t have to conduct expensive searches to unveil incriminating information on the IDF’s conduct – it was made available free of charge by Major General Tomer Yerushalmi.

Another scandalous decision was Tomer Yerushalmi’s instruction to IDF soldiers not to attack terrorists, murderers, rapists, and looters, who participated in the October 7 massacre but have no “organizational affiliation” with one of the known terrorist organizations. As can be seen in videos from that harrowing day, thousands of unaffiliated looters, rapists, and murderers followed in the wake of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad marauders. According to the IDF military prosecutor, they are off-limits.

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