Photo Credit: Noam Revkin Fenton / Flash 90
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, May 14, 2023.

On Monday night, following the raid by masked military police on the Sde Teiman detention center for Hamas Nukhba murderers/rapists/beheaders that resulted in a clash with IDF reservists on the ground and the arrest of nine of them on suspicion of rape based on the testimony of a Nukhba prisoner, Finance Minister and Minister in the Defense Ministry Bezalel Smotrich reported the following:

I was contacted today, and I am shocked by this behavior, by people inside the military police who are saying to me, Listen, we have instructions to initiate contact with terrorists in Gaza who were detained in the Sde Teiman facility and released to Gaza, and we ask them if they have anything to say against the IDF soldiers who took care of them during their detention.
This thing is inconceivable. It’s one thing to say that if there’s a complaint, it should be checked, there’s a law, it must be obeyed, there’s international law, and there are rules of conducting a war under international law, but to send military police investigators to initiate phone calls to terrorists in Gaza – Nukhba terrorists – who had been in Sde Teiman and were released, to seek from them testimonies against IDF fighters.
I’m telling you, I guarantee it, I received information today from within the system, from people in the military system who are shocked by the instructions they receive against IDF soldiers. [responding to host Yinon Magal] They initiate contact with terrorists in Gaza who had been in Sde Teiman and were released, and they initiate the collection of testimonies – it’s not as if they (the terrorists) called, asking if they have anything to say about the conditions, the fighters, on how they were treated during the time they were imprisoned in Sde Teiman.

Earlier on Monday, ten IDF reservists were detained for questioning by the military police on suspicion of group abuse of a Nukhba terrorist, presumably based on his testimony. About ten more fighters barricaded themselves and refused to be detained for questioning. The raid on the base was conducted by military policemen who wearing face masks as if this was a raid on a terrorist or a criminal compound.

The reason for this unusual raid by the military police was a complaint by the terrorist who was admitted to the hospital with a serious rectal injury. The idea of accepting on its face the testimony of a Hamas murderer is bizarre in itself, but add to that police action based on suspicion of a group of soldiers’ anal rape of a prisoner comes directly from the feverish minds of military police commanders.

The same feverish minds that initiated Yelp interviews with released terrorists on the quality of their detention.

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