Photo Credit: Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

Hackers from the Black Shadow group on Tuesday night leaked personal and sensitive medical information of 290,000 customers who used the internet access of the Mor Institute For Medical Data in Bnei Brak to contact specialists regarding medical issues. The hackers stole the contents of those medical inquiries and now leaked the detailed medical problems suffered by each user.

The Black Shadow hackers who say they identify with Iran broke into several Israeli sites last Saturday and shut them down. Apparently, they managed to invade the servers of the host company Cybersverse and hacked its client sites. Among those were the bus companies Kavim and Dan, the tourist site Pegasus, and the LGBTQ dating site Atraf.


On Wednesday morning, the hackers offered for sale thousands of credit cards of Israeli citizens they claim they collected from the hacked sites. According to Black Shadow, they are selling only two copies of the complete credit card data—10,000 cards altogether—at 10,000 NIS each ($3,200). They added to the offer the ID picture of Israeli citizens whose details were revealed (we removed the pictures).

Black Shadow announcement regarding Israeli credit cards.

The Atraf site was presented by the hackers with an ultimatum to pay up a million dollars in 48 hours or risk the exposure of all its customers. After the ultimatum had expired, the hackers offered those accounts for sale at ten thousand dollars per password.

The group claimed its reservoir earlier today that it had leaked, after the ultimatum they were given to pay a million dollars within 48 hours to avoid the leak had expired.

Subsequently, the hackers announced that the information they obtained was for sale for ten thousand dollars per password:

Black Shadow announcement regarding the Atraf site data.

Not so many takers for the secrets of Tel Aviv gay men, it looks like.

As to the hacked Pegasus tourism site, an unconfirmed report says Black Shadow posted the data of 547,844 Israelis who booked flights out of the country. The data includes ID numbers, but not passwords. They also posted data associated with listeners of the popular talk/music radio station 103FM.

Following a request from the cyber department of the State Attorney’s Office, Google blocked access to the Black Shadow group’s sites through its search engine. The social network Telegram blocked two more channels belonging to the group where the hackers released personal information obtained through hacking into databases.

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