Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
MK Ahmad Tibi and fellow Arab lawmakers, November 21, 2022.

During a faction meeting of Hadash-Ta’al on Monday, MK Ahmad Tibi was asked by a reporter about the hostile attitude Israeli correspondents run into at the World Cup games in Qatar. Tibi answered acerbically: “Who runs into whom? I have seen Israeli journalists sticking microphones in people’s faces and telling them ‘I am Israeli,’ then they complain.”

“There is a lack of love on the part of some journalists, who go to a World Cup packed with Arabs––by the way, Arabs also love soccer––and think that all Arabs are like Mohammed Saud or Yosef Haddad. Turns out there are different Arabs, too.”


In other words, Israelis have the delusion of being liked by Arabs, but, luckily, MK Tibi is here to disabuse them of that silly notion – for future references, you should know, Tibi says Arabs hate you.

Point taken.

Saudi blogger Mohammed Saud supports Israel’s right-wing parties and preaches peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia that would benefit both sides. Saud taught himself Hebrew and was featured in campaign ads of the Haredi United Torah Judaism.

Yoseph Haddad, an IDF soldier who was wounded in battle, is an Arab advocate for Israel, a journalist, and a social activist in the Israeli Arab community. His goal is to integrate the Arab community into Israeli society.

By the way, Yoseph Haddad responded to Tibi’s comment that involved him, saying: “It’s true that not all Arabs love Israel as much as I do. At the same time, not all Arabs hate Israel as much as you do…”

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