Arieh King, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem discusses the ongoing Ramadan Riots which are primarily centered around the Old City of Jerusalem. He explained the connection between current round of Muslim violence and the Palestinian Authority elections, as well as the steps the Jerusalem municipality is taking to try to reduce the violence.

King said that the majority of Arabs in eastern Jerusalem are publicly opposed to the violence by their co-religionists, which is hurting them financially, and that might help calm down the situation sooner than expected.

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Yishai Fleisher is a Contributing Editor at, talk-show host, and International Spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron, an Israeli Paratrooper, a graduate of Cardozo Law School, and the founder of Kumah ("Arise" in Hebrew), an NGO dedicated to promoting Zionism and strengthening Israel's national character. Yishai is married to Malkah, and they live in the settlement of Efrat with their children.