Photo Credit: Israel Police
Tunnel shaft discovered near Nazareth, Sept. 15, 2024.

In a raid conducted on Sunday in Yafa an-Naseriyye, an Arab town in the metropolitan area of Nazareth, the Israel Police and special forces uncovered a large stockpile of weapons, including four guns, hundreds of bullets, cartridges and a lot of ammunition. Additional searches in the area discovered a tunnel shaft and near it, a shoulder-held M72 LAW (light anti-tank missile), a homemade Carlo sub-machine gun, and additional cartridges.

During the raid by the detectives of the North District and Border Guard forces on a complex of houses in Yafia, the forces broke into several targets.

LAW missile and sub-machine gun discovered by police near Nazareth, Sept. 15, 2024. / Israel Police

The current raid is part of a large-scale operation led by the North District Police, to reduce the shooting incidents and violent crime in the area. As part of the overall effort, police officers operate using advanced technological means, to locate illegal weapons and arrest suspects before they commit crimes.

Weapons and ammunition discovered by police near Nazareth, Sept. 15, 2024. / Israel Police

Since the beginning of the year, the Northern Police recorded significant seizures of illegal weapons, including 253 pistols, 148 rifles, 161 grenades, 141 explosives, bombs, and improvised explosive devices. The activity is carried out on all levels from the prevention of smuggling and trafficking of weapons, through covert activity to prevent criminal activity before it is carried out, to a quick response to any violent incident through constant presence and activity for the sake of maintaining public safety.

Israeli media reported 12 murders over the past week in the Arab sector, raising accusations of the Israel Police ignoring violence in Arab society. Yours truly is not as concerned about that matter as he is about the fact that Arabs are digging tunnels inside Green Line Israel.

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