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Jonathan Tucker and Jackson Robert Scott in 'Skin' by Israeli-born director Guy Nativ

“I moved here five years ago from Israel,” Israeli-born director Guy Nattiv told the audience at the Dolby Theatre Sunday night after winning an Academy Award for his Live-Action Short Film “Skin.”


“This film is about education. It’s about teaching your kids a better way,” Nativ added, after telling the audience: “My grandparents are Holocaust survivors. The bigotry that they experienced in the Holocaust, we see that everywhere today, in America, in Europe.”

“Skin” follows the life of former skinhead group member. We lifted this synopsis from IMDB: “In a small supermarket in a blue-collar town, a black man smiles at a white boy across the checkout aisle. This innocuous moment forces racial tensions to the breaking point and sends two gangs into a ruthless war.”

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