Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
Scene of the explosion at the entrance to Jerusalem.

A terrorist’s bomb exploded at the entrance to Jerusalem around 7:06 AM on Wednesday morning. There are 31 wounded and one dead, identified as Aryeh Shechopek (Schupak), 16, a yeshiva student.

Aryeh Shechopek (Schupak)

The terror attack happened at a bus stop on Weitzman Boulevard at the entrance to the city. The Jerusalem entrance bomb was in a bag, dropped off by someone on an electric bicycle.

Bus stop bombing in Jerusalem entrance. Nov. 23, 2022

Shortly afterwards at around 7:35 AM, there was a second explosion at a bus stop in the neighborhood of Ramot. Three more people were lightly wounded in Ramot, mostly from glass and shrapnel. The Ramot bomb was hidden in a boobytrapped moped. Police are now examining a possible third bomb in Ramot. There are also reports that another bomb was found in the area on Tuesday.

Numerous ambulances rushed to the area. MDA initially said they were treating 10 wounded, including 2 in serious and 1 in critical condition. One of the victims has died. Additional people are being treated for shock. The bomb was full of metal pieces to maximize damage.

The murdered student was identified as Aryeh Shechopek (Schupak), a yeshiva student who lived in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood and studied at Moshav Beit Meir. Shechopek has dual Israeli and Canadian citizenship.

Update: A second victim Tedsa Teshuma, a 50-year-old Ethiopian immigrant, died a week later from his wounds.

Bus stop bombing in Jerusalem entrance. Nov. 23, 2022

US Ambassador Tom Nides later confirmed that two US citizens were among the wounded.

There are reports that police have stopped some suspects in the nearby neighborhood of Kiryat Moshe.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yosef Gabai, who arrived first at the scene to provide initial treatment, relayed: “I was waiting at the traffic light and I heard an explosion at the bus station. I arrived within mere seconds at the scene and I found a young man who was critically injured. I provided him with initial treatment and reported to United Hatzalah’s Dispatch and Command Center to request additional responders be sent to the area. At the scene, I saw three more injured people, who were conscious and sustained various degrees of injuries.”

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Michael Groscott added: “I arrived at the scene to assist the injured. After I provided them with initial treatment at the scene they were evacuated to Hadassa Ein Kerem and Shaarei Zedek hospitals with cuts and other injuries.”

Due to the nature of the incident, the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit has been dispatched and is treating numerous eyewitnesses for emotional and psychological shock.

Hamas issued a message of congratulation for the explosion, blaming it on Israel’s attempts to Jewify Al Aqsa.

Otzma Yehudit Chairman and presumed Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir stated: “I’m on my way to the scene of the difficult and painful attack in Jerusalem, where a device that exploded at a bus station in effect takes us back to the time of the damned intifada. It’s time to act decisively and with a heavy hand against the terrorists, it’s time to restore order in the country. In this difficult hour, I pray with all the people of Israel for the complete recovery of those injured in the attack.”

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