Photo Credit: Yossi Aloni/FLASH90
Healthcare worker takes coronavirus test sample, August 18, 2020.

As part of its efforts to provide a safe school year, beginning with the start of classes on October 18, 2020, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in partnership with HU’s Faculty of Medicine and Hadassah Medical Center—Ein Kerem, will provide on-campus rapid corona-testing for all students—local and international—attending the University.

These tests will be free of charge for the first month of school. They will provide students with quick and convenient access to COVID-19 testing. In addition to the rapid tests, the university will provide quarantine services as needed, as well as psychological and logistical support for any students who test positive, to prevent outbreaks on campus or in the dormitories.


Students will receive their test results via text within 24 hours. The results will also be shared with Israel’s Ministry of Health for contact tracing purposes and epidemiological follow-up. The testing sites will be open on Sundays and Tuesdays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at HU’s Mount Scopus campus, on Mondays and Wednesdays at HU’s Safra campus and Thursdays at Ein Kerem, as well as in select student dormitories on all campuses.

Professor Daniel Chanan Matt staring longingly at Jerusalem’s sky in an empty Hebrew U campus holding a copy of his book “God and the Big Bang” (archival image). / Hadas Parush/Flash90

HU Vice President and CEO Yishai Fraenkel shared: “Campus-wide COVID-19 testing is part of Hebrew University’s ongoing concern for the health of its student body and to getting our students back on campus for impactful in-classroom learning.”

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