Photo Credit: Yossi Aloni / Flash 90
Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel (Derech Eretz)

Israeli Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel says no one should be allowed to enter Jerusalem armed, Jews or Palestinians.

But since terrorists don’t comply with political edicts, only civilians would be rendered helpless in the face of an attack, an Israeli organization promoting weapons pointed out.


Hendel said in a statement Sunday, “Another thing that needs to be done is confirm that no one who comes into Jerusalem is armed — Jews or Palestinians – it doesn’t matter.

“We must also examine from scratch the issue of the metal detectors,” he added. “We gave up on them in the past; it is impossible to give up on them in the future,” he added.

According to a report on Kan 11, Hendel wants to use this government’s close relationship with Jordan to reach an agreement with Jordan to allow Israel to put up metal detectors at all the entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem and holy sites, and check everyone coming in, as ridiculous as that sounds.


During Sunday’s attack, Eliyahu David Kay, a 26-year-old Western Wall guide and former IDF lone soldier who made aliyah from South Africa, was killed near the Chain Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. Two police officers and another civilian were injured, one seriously.

Last week an armed Jewish civilian neutralized a terrorist who was attacking Israeli police officers.

“This has been a rough morning,” wrote the Cultural Association for Advancement of Weapons in Israel – the Israeli counterpart of the US National Rifle Association, which posted the statement on its Facebook page following the attack.

“A civilian was killed in a shooting attack. Two police officers and another citizen were wounded by a terrorist who was then killed by heroic police officers.

“First of all, we send our condolences to the family of the murdered victim, and wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.

“Once again the truth strikes mercilessly: the threat of terrorism exists and we cannot know from where it comes.

“Unfortunately, instead of appreciating armed citizens (just this week we all watched an armed citizen neutralize a terrorist who wounded two IDF soldiers), we are [instead] witnessing a serious statement by Communications Minister Yoaz Hendel who puts the armed citizens and terrorists in the same category.

We condemn statements such as this, which should not have been made.

“Mr. Minister, before calling to prevent the entry of armed civilians with a gun for self-defense in Jerusalem, it is appropriate to unload the terrorists from the automatic weapons intended to attack civilians,” the organization said.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.