Photo Credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90
Road 1 near Latrun.

A new park and ride minibus service will take travelers to Jerusalem from the Latrun IDF Armored Corps Memorial located about 20 miles west of Jerusalem to the city. Free parking will be available at Latrun and the bus will go to the government center by the Knesset near the city’s central bus station and train station.

The new minibus line numbered 430 will operate from the Latrun parking lot five days a week, from 6:00 in the morning until 7 in the evening running every 8-15 minutes. From Jerusalem to Latrun the line will operate from 6:15 AM to 7:50 PM running every 12-20 minutes.


The line will serve the thousands of people who work in the government center and its surroundings.

The Ministry of Transportation is promoting a series of “Park and Ride” parking lots in Jerusalem’s entrances, which will allow thousands of drivers to leave their private cars in the parking lot and arrive “refreshed and relaxed” by public transportation to work or school.

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