Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Right-wing singer Ariel Zilber at a rally outside the Supreme Court, December 31, 2019.

Betsalmo Chairman Yehuda Fuah on Friday sent out urgent phone messages to everyone on his virtual Rolodex announcing a right-wing demonstration outside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem at noon on Monday, to counter the left’s rally in front of the Knesset at the same time. The Jewish Press is urging our readers in Israel to show up.

Betsalmo itself is a right-wing counterbalance to the anti-Zionist group B’tselem which supports the enemies of Israel, doing the bidding of its foreign funders: the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, the US-based New Israel Fund, and Germany. Betsalmo is supported by local donors, through the Musari (Moral in Hebrew) association. According to Israel’s Justice Ministry, Musari has two employees and as of 2021, its yearly cycle was NIS 4,278,501 ($1.2 million).


This is the rally announcement in English:

Monday’s rally before the Supreme Court / Screenshot.

Come and bring your friends and neighbors. Remember, there will be tens of thousands of leftists bemoaning their election loss at the rally in front of the Knesset. Let’s celebrate our clear majority in front of the Supreme Court. Let’s make it our court again.

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