Photo Credit: Western Wall Heritage Foundation
Priestly blessing (Birkat HaKohanim) takes place at the Western Wall (archive)

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation is preparing for the annual surge of Jews from across the country and around the world who attend the traditional Birkat HaKohanim (Priestly Blessing) ceremony during the intermediate days of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

This year the families of hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza will participate in the ceremony.


The ceremony is set to take place at the Western Wall this coming Sunday (18 Tishrei / October 20) with tens of thousands of worshippers and families of hostages in attendance.

Prayers will be offered for the safe return of the hostages, the success of IDF soldiers and security forces, healing for the wounded, and peace and security for Israel.

“This moving scene repeats itself every year, as tens of thousands come to the Western Wall to bless and be blessed through Birkat Kohanim,” the Foundation said in a statement.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation is preparing for the arrival of hundreds of thousands of visitors and worshippers during Sukkot, continuing the tradition of pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

This follows the participation of more than two million people at the Western Wall throughout the Hebrew month of Elul and the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, attending both day services and nightly Selichot prayers.

As in previous years, the Foundation will set up kosher and well-appointed sukkahs for the public’s use.

The tradition began 54 years ago initiated by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gafner z”l and has since been organized by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation on Chol HaMoed (Intermediate Days) during both Passover and Sukkot.

During the event, hundreds of descendants of Jewish priests (Kohanim) will bless the assembled congregation with the threefold blessing from the Torah, drawing tens of thousands of participants.

The event will be attended by Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi, the Rishon LeZion Rabbi David Yosef; the rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Sites, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz; Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon; and many more attendees, including families of hostages, who will be offering prayers for the speedy return of their loved ones.

Schedule of Birkat Kohanim:
– Shacharit: 8:45 AM
– Birkat Kohanim pf Shacharit: 9:30 AM
– Mussaf: 10:15 AM
– Birkat Kohanim of Mussaf: 10:30 AM
– Special prayer for the well-being of IDF soldiers and security forces, the swift return of the hostages, the recovery of the wounded, and peace and security for Israel: 10:45 AM

The event will be broadcast live on the Western Wall Heritage Foundation’s website and on the Western Wall Foundation’s YouTube channel.

Important Information:
– Access to the Old City and the Western Wall may be restricted if the site becomes overcrowded.
– Visitors are asked to follow the instructions of ushers to ensure safety.
– Stay updated with announcements and guidelines.

Traditional “Hakafot Shniyot” at the Western Wall:
Hakafot Shniyot, traditionally held after Simchat Torah, will take place on the night of Thursday, October 24, 2024 (23rd of Tishrei), beginning at 10:00 PM at the Western Wall Plaza, accompanied by a live orchestra and sound system.

The Hakafot Shniyot event will be broadcast live on the Western Wall Heritage Foundation’s YouTube channel.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.