Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Weapon confiscated in IDF raid, August 15, 2022.

A Border Guard Mista’arvim unit, Shin Bet, and IDF fighters arrested 19 wanted persons throughout Judea and Samaria overnight Monday, the IDF Spokesperson reported Monday morning.

The soldiers operated in several locations throughout the territory of the IDF Judea and Samaria division and the regional division of the Bik’ah and Amakim in the villages of Gifatlik, Zebidat, Bir Zeit, and Jadora, Azvat Tabiv, Dahariya, Beit Awa, Deheisha, and the cities of Jericho, Hebron, and Ramallah.


As part of the activity of the Mista’arvim fighters of the Jerusalem Border Guard in the village of Kafr ‘Aqab overnight Monday, the forces were preparing to search the house of a suspect of weapons possession, and as they were closing in on the target, family members came out and started confronting the fighters. Suddenly, the main suspect came out holding a knife and tried to stab the fighters who responded by firing and killing him.

The terrorist received medical treatment on the spot by the unit’s paramedic, was then evacuated to a military hospital, and later pronounced dead.

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