Throughout Jewish history, the ninth day of the month of Av on the Hebrew calendar, Tisha B’Av, has been a a tragic date for the Jewish people. But this year especially, sadly, we can relate to the tragedies of the Jewish people more than ever.
Since October 7th, we have mourned destruction and loss on both national and personal levels, even as our sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, fathers and sometimes even mothers battle those who pray and fight for our annihilation.
On this day of tragedy and hope, join OU Israel and Rabbi Avi Berman (Executive Director) as they take us back in time to where the Jews entered the Beit HaMikdash, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
The film, “Mashiach, We Are Ready” ties current events to the themes of Tisha B’Av and provides strength and hope to our holy nation.
With so much pain from this past year, the Nation of Israel has truly shown its light, strength and resilience. We pray that we will merit to greet Mashiach and experience the completed redemption very soon.
We at JewishPress.com wish those of our readers who fast, an easy and meaningful fast.