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Riots on Temple Mt. May 13, 2018

Jerusalem Liberation Day has begun, as Waqf members are claiming that the Jews who visited the Temple Mount Sunday morning began to pray. They tried to prevent them, police intervened, according to a tweet by Yaara Shapira of Channel 1 News.


Hundreds of Jews are already waiting at the entrance to the Temple Mount, so far, as of 7:20 AM, more than 150 have entered [Click here for the latest numbers]. According to TPS, about 10 Jewish visitors have been removed from the mountain after failing to pass police inspection, apparently because of the combination of long side curls and large skullcaps. One Jew was detained by police on suspicion of bowing to the Creator of the Universe.

As Arabs began shouting at the Jewish groups, the Jews began to sing holiday songs in response. In response, an Arab riot began against the Jews, which was suppressed by the police. At least one Arab was detained.

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