Winter weather in Jerusalem put snow plows on the roads and chased regular cars away on Wednesday after the white stuff accumulated on the streets of the capital.
Just south of the capital, the tunnel road was closed off from the Rosemarine junction to Gush Etzion in the south due to the snow.
Also due to the storm, Route 375 was blocked temporarily near the Jewish community of Tzur Hadassah in Judea but later was reopened. Further north, Highway 9898 near the community of Majdal Shams was also blocked.
Route 395 in the south was blocked Wednesday night in both directions due to flooding, from Ramat Raziel to Tzuba Square.
Highway 90 was also blocked to traffic for the same reason from the Arugot Junction to the Hotels Junction.
Highway 232 between Hodaya Junction and Kibbutz Nitzanim was blocked due to fallen trees.
The Israel Electric Corporation also said its lightning lab reported 523 lightning strikes between 12 noon and 9 pm.
Strong winds and rain caused trees to whip back and forth before eventually breaking in central and southern Israel.
In addition, the Israel Airports Authority reported that flights from Eilat that were due to land at Ben Gurion International Airport were canceled due to the weather as well.