Photo Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90
The main drag of Huwara during clashes between local terrorists and the IDF, December 15, 2017.

There were clashes between Jews and Arabs overnight Friday in Huwara in northwestern Samaria, following Thursday’s shooting attack on a car with a couple and their baby girl (Car Shot Up in Huwara, Bullets Miss Miracle Baby). At least one Jew was slightly injured by stone-throwing, and the IDF reported that an Arab who threw a cinderblock at a vehicle was shot dead.

Dozens of Jews gathered in Huwara’s main street following Thursday’s shooting attack, and Jews and Arabs threw stones at each other, and there were reports of destruction of Arab property by Jews.


Following a situation assessment, the security apparatus decided once again to shut down Arab shops on both sides of Huwara’s main drag to boost security in the area.

The same shops had been shut down on Thursday, but the IDF succumbed to pressure from leftist NGOs and removed the ban a short time before an Arab gunman took advantage of the traffic jam and fired repeated shots at an Israeli car with a Jewish father and mother and their baby girl. The bullets smashed the car’s windows but the family miraculously managed to escape.

After a search that took three hours, the Shin Bet obtained information from local informants that the terrorist was hiding in a building between Huwara and Einabus, near the site of the attack. Fighters from the Haruv special force and scouts arrived at the building and the terrorist opened fire at them from a staircase. The fighters returned fire and at the end of an exchange of fire, the terrorist was eliminated. His name was Jamal Majdov and he lived in the village of Far’un near Tulkarem. According to reports, he recently moved from Jordan to live with his grandmother. There were no casualties on our side.

According to the PA Health Ministry, the man who was shot after throwing a cinderblock at a Jewish car was Labib Muhammad Dhamidi, 19, who was killed by a gunshot wound to the heart from “settlers’ gunfire.” Israeli sources said he was shot by the IDF.

The visiting Jews, including MK Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionism), set up a sukkah and held a Torah lesson on the main road of Huwara, and then marched through the violent town. The sukkah was dismantled by the IDF a few hours later, and MK Sukkot tweeted that he and his friends left the village at the end of the lesson at the request of the commander of the Shomron Regional Brigade.

On Friday, the IDF shut down the main road to Jews for a sixhours, so the Arabs could hold a riot and funeral for the dead terrorist.

The road after it was reopened to Jews:

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